John was my greatest teacher. Over the 2 weeks prior to John's passing, I'd been re-listening to "The Soul's Journey" and feeling how impactful that particular course was for me, as were so many of his courses. The day John passed, my internet went out and has been out until a couple of days ago. Coincidence? Maybe not. From John, I learned to let go of much of my judgement and to be so much more accepting of what was / is. My first introduction to John / BodyTalk was watching a video (olden days) of John giving a public talk on BodyTalk. As I listened to him, I KNEW I must learn this; it was not only my next step in my own healing but my next step professionally. I'm a chiropractor and had been involved with Network Chiropractic; BodyTalk and John took me beyond / deeper. I am so grateful to have been in so many of John's classes in person. Being in his presence - I am not finding the words to describe the feeling, the deep benefits.
I'm recovering from Uterine cancer that had metastasized. I credit BodyTalk, including sessions with John, for helping me to be clearly now on the path to becoming truly vibrantly healthy. John's teachings helped me to to not feel guilty for me having had cancer. Prior to BodyTalk I would have felt guilty that I had not done what I "should have" / had not done enough personal growth, etc, to have become so ill. I am so grateful that I have been able, as a result of BT, to accept what I've gone through.
Esther- thank-you for your teaching, for all that you have shared! Bringing questions to fewer words has been very helpful; asking questions without a preconceived outcome has been a "game changer". Thank-you!
I've done a few sessions in the past few weeks and am ready to do a few sessions each week now and gradually do more. My intention is to contribute to the BodyTalk matrix and to help as many people as I can.
Thank-you and Blessings for all fo the IBA team!
Janet Rueger